The cuisine in Malaga is light and healthy, it specially uses fish and seafood in its recipes although thanks to its mountain villages we’ll also find delicious dishes of hunting meat and top-quality cold meats.
Amongst the dishes that we recommend is the Gazpacho, a cold soup made with typical vegetables of Andalusia, a very refreshing drink in summer of which they have even made soft drinks.
The seafood and the fish are the star elements of the Malaga cuisine, do not hesitate in ordering the grilled or garlic prawns (‘al pil-pil’ with a touch of spice), fried fish, clams ‘a la marinera’ with parsley or the tasty recipe of Fresh Anchovies in Vinegar, a recipe originally from the Mediterranean that is used from ancient times to preserve them clean and boneless. The fresh anchovies are cleaned, and are put in vinegar, after 30 minutes they can be removed and dressed in olive oil, garlic and parsley, ready to be eaten.