La Rábida

Opposite Punta del Sebo, where the monumento a la Fe descubridora (Monument to discovering Faith) is found, stands La Rábida, a modest 15th century Franciscan convent, built on the site of the original Almohad building of La Rábita.

Considered to be the greatest symbol of the discovery of The New World, within the walls of the convent a depressed Christopher Columbus awaited the removal of the various impediments to the royal designation of his captaincy of the journey to the West Indies.

The simple beauty of the building's pre-Columbian structure can still be seen inside, along with a number of frescos of the Huelva painter Vázquez Díaz celebrating the Discovery.

The Gothic-Mudéjar church contains a 15th century crucifix, texts by Martín Alonso Pinsón, some of Columbus' personal belongings, as well as the Celda de las Conferencias (The Conference Cell), witness to the interviews Columbus held with the friars of the convent, forming the link of La Rábida with the Discovery.

The convent is surrounded by beautiful gardens which contain La Columna de los Descubridores (The Column of the Discoverers), which commemorates the Fourth Centenary of the Discovery.

An interesting journey can be completed by visiting the monument to Plus Ultra, next to the Muelle de la Reina (The Queen's Dock), commemorating the first Atlantic flight, as well as la Universidad Iberoamericana, or the new site where reproductions of the three caravelles which completed the first crossing can be found.

Huelva information

Huelva Attractions, Marshlands of the Odiel, the Discovery of America, Sierra Morena, Ayamonte, La Rabida, Moguer, Palos de la Frontera, El Rocio information, Doñana information
Map of: Huelva street map, Huelva province, roads, rivers and towns maps, Costa de la Luz, Doñana map

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