Jardin Botanico Malaga Botanical Gardens Malaga

Around the year 1855, Jorge Loring and Amalia Heredia purchased some ranches situated to the north of Malaga where there were previously olive, almond and citrus fruit trees. Their plans began during a honeymoon, and due to their high purchasing power and their relation with European gardens, they brought back exotic plants from different countries all over the world.

In the year 1911 the botanical garden was purchased by a family from Bilbao who continued expanding it until finally in the year 1990 it was purchased by the town hall of Malaga who divided it into 2 parts to build the Limonero reservoir. After a few construction works it was open to the public again in 1994 as a historical botanical garden and cultural, didactic and scientific centre.

The garden of the Conception was, back in the day, a meeting centre of illustrious personalities, around the 19th century it gathered politicians, artists and the nobility of Malaga who frequented and enjoyed this garden, something that contributed to the construction of one of its buildings like the Palace-House, the house of the Cyprus trees, 2 greenhouses, bridges, a viewpoint and the Loringian Museum where they exhibited the archaeological remains found in Malaga with excavations financed by the Loring family.

Another of the architectonic elements that is worth a visit is the part of the San Telmo aqueduct, built in 1782 it was the most important hydraulic work of the 18th century in Spain. It was more than 10 km long and provided La Concepcion with one water supply.

Today the botanical garden is considered a historical-artistic garden, an asset of cultural interest.

jardin botanico malaga

Diversity of Flora

The diversity of the flora reaches over 2000 species where we must highlight the grove with a few specimens of over 100 years old. Amongst it the subtropical species stand out, like a collection of palm trees, the best in Europe, that has unique specimens of great size, as well as water plants.

The plant species present in the park come from Europe, America, Asia, Africa and Oceania. Some of the species we’ll find there are:

Palm trees.
Water plants.
Primitive plants.
Mediterranean flora.
Plants in Our Land.
Fruit trees.
Citrus fruit trees.
Bamboo trees.

Diversity of birds in the botanical garden

There is a wide diversity of bird species in the park, some of them are habitual while others only fly over it or have been spotted at some point. This park is undoubtedly the ideal place for the ornithologists:

Amongst the habitual birds in the park we’ll find all of those in the following list:



Accipiter nisus

Eurasian Sparro whawk

Acrocephalus scirpaceus

Reed Warbler

Alectoris rufa

Red-legged Partridge

Anthus pratensis

Meadow Pipit

Ardea cinerea

Grey Heron

Buteo buteo

Common Buzzard

Carduelis carduelis


Carduelis chloris


Carduelis spinus


Certhia brachydactyla

Short-toed Treecreeper

Cettia cetti

Cetti´s Warbler

Coccothraustes coccothraustes


Columba livia

Rock Dove

Cuculus canorus

Common Cuckoo

Delichon urbica

House Martin

Dendrocopos major

Great Spotted Woodpecker

Emberiza cirlus

Cirl Bunting

Erithacus rubecula


Falco tinnunculus

Common Kestrel

Ficedula hypoleuca

Pied Flycatcher

Fringilla coelebs

Common Chaffinch

Galerida cristata

Crested Lark

Hieraaetus pennatus

Common Booted Eagle

Hirundo daurica

Red-rumped Swallow

Hirundo rustica

Barn Swallow

Jynx torquilla


Lanius senator

Woodchat Shrike

Loxia curvirostra

Common Crossbill

Luscinia megarhynchos

Rufous Nightingale

Merops apiaster

European Bee-eater

Monticola solitarius

Blue Rock Thrush

Motacilla alba

White Wagtail

Motacilla cinerea

Grey Wagtail

Motacilla flava

Yellow Wagtail

Muscicapa striata

Spotted Flycatcher

Myiopsitta monachus

Monk Parakeet

Oriolus oriolus

Golden Oriole

Parus ater

Coal Tit

Parus caeruleus

Blue tit

Parus major

Great tit

Passer domesticus

House Sparrow

Phoenicurus ochruros

Black Redstart

Phylloscopus collybita

Common Chiffchaff

Phylloscopus trochilus

Willow Warbler

Psittacula krameri

Ring-necked Parakeet

Ptyonoprogne rupestris

Crag Martin

Regulus ignicapillus


Serinus serinus

European Serin

Streptopelia decaocto

Eurasian Collared Dove

Streptopelia turtur

European Turtle Dove

Sturnus unicolor

Spotless Starling

Sylvia atricapilla


Sylvia borin

Garden Warbler

Sylvia melanocephala

Sardinian Warbler

Troglodytes troglodytes


Turdus merula


Turdus philomelos

Song Thrush

Turdus viscivorus

Mistle Thrush

Upupa epops


How to get to the Botanical Garden

Carretera de las Pedrizas, s/n (A-45, Km 166) - 29014, Málaga.

+34 952 25 21 48.
+34 952 25 07 45.

Opening Hours (Tuesday to Sunday):
From 1st Abril to 30th September: 09:30 h - 20:30 h.
From 1st October to 31st March: 09:30 h - 17:30 h.
Closed the 25th of December and the 1st of January.

Adults: 4.20 Euros.
Children (6 to 16 years): 2.10 Euros.
Seniors (over 65): 2.10 Euros.
Special prices for groups.

On the following map you’ll be able to observe the botanical garden’s location and a route to get there by car from Malaga airport. The garden is one of those places that all of those nature enthusiasts mustn’t leave without a visit.

If you don’t have a vehicle hired in Malaga, you can use the bus, that has a line that goes from the main boulevard (alameda) to the botanical garden, the line 61 that runs every 60 minutes.

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